[ArmA] Moondark by DarkAngel

Moondark by DarkAngel

Mission details

Type Single Player
Player side West
Island Sahrani
Time of Day Night
Weather Foggy
Filesize 2.4MB

Mission requirements

Game ArmA v 1.08

Overview - 5
Briefing - 7
Camera - 7
Scripting - 5

User rating

Not yet rated

31 Aug 2007





A NATO force is moving to assist the beleagured defenders of South Sahrani. As an elite US Army Ranger, you will be the spearhead of this force. During the night of 23 March, you will infiltrate the airfield at Pita and destroy the enemy's SU-25 fighter-bombers, opening the way for our operations on the island.

Click to see 2 other missions by this author.

Review by LCD


The picture has a border but it's not very clear, it shows one of the planes you are supposed to blow, but it took me some time to figure that out. The text describes the mission briefly. Two things bugged me : 1) No mission title. 2) The name of the mission is Moondark but in the list its called "Operation Moondark".


The author got the length and the music just right. The intro explains the situation before the mission and continues to show the player inserting. The idea of removing all the sounds except the music is a nice touch, but i think the author should have also added some custom voices to accompany the lines of text.


The briefing is very detailed, containing almost everything connected to the mission itself, starting from situation report going through orders and explanation of the mission and ends with listing of enemy and friendly forces. Only things that could be added are some more background story and maybe a picture or two. The markers work, they are not too messy and show exactly where your objectives are. I think the weapon selection could be wider, this mission tries to encourage the player to use stealth, so maybe this was the right place to find a silenced weapons addon.


The Mission lay out is well planned with all the objectives looking like they should look, but the author could have put more time into making the airport more lifelike, as you can find some static units just standing around the airport, I think more patrols would be a good addition. The maker tries to encourge the player to use stealth around the mission and it works more or less, on one point it became to hard to continue stealthily but it is still possible, but couple of retry points could have helped the players (especially on veteran mode), because right now you only get save points after you blow stuff up. The fighting becomes really intense when the reinforcements arrive and swarm the area, and make the mission hard, but that only suits the way the mission is built. The custom voices are really a plus and sound professional and add a lot to the atmosphere of the mission.


The outro continues along the same line as the intro... showing the US invasion after the mission has succeeded, the outro is shorter than the intro and also could use some voices to add to the atmosphere.


The mission is really stealth based, everything can be done without being detected if you are really carefull. The SLA reinforcements, should you be detected, are well scripted to react to the enemy.


Moondark is a good mission for anyone who wants to try and sneak around and kill SLAs without being seen, the mission is made simple and enjoyable for the silent kind.

You can view the beta thread here.

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