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*bio2s scripting


Hi ARMA people!

I am trying to write scripts for Oxygen 2 PE and
looking for good manual.
P:\Doc\O2Scripts\ComRef is not perfect.

Any working examples of *bio2s scripts would
be come in handy too.

:cop: Well, not really the right place for this since O2 is not Arma3 related (unless you're talking about Object Builder :P ), and this should be in the addons -> modeling boards of whatever game your trying to use O2 with :cop:

AFAIK there is no other comref, the same horrible comref is still in Object Builder files.
You should already have several script files in P:\Doc\O2Scripts\ :dunno:

At first, thanks for response here and in another topic.

This theme is on the frontier between ARMA SQF scripting
(the same syntax but different command list)
and O2 black magic (objects to mess with) so I'm
not sure it will look better on the modeling boards...

The questions I have are all about command
implementation && ! about O2 tricks.

I have more experience with Visitor scripts but I guess they're pretty similar (just terrain related stuff instead of model). It was years and years ago though so don't really have any recollection how it worked.

The best way to figure stuff out is to go through the BIS scripts.
The dialogs-demo.bio2s shows pretty well how to build a dialog for your script input (it's a bit odd part of the language because every command must be in an array).
There seems to very little information on the language floating around, I guess you could find something at Bohemia Interactive forums' Arma and Arma2 editing sections, in form of user made scripts :dunno:


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