Missions Depot > Arma3 - Single Player Beta Testing

[SP]Resistance: The Invasion

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Author: Rytuklis
Version: 1.0
Required Addons: N/A
Mission Description: This mission is part of my upcoming campaign that follows its own plot and timeline and disregards the main campaign events.
CSAT Coalition have invaded their neighbouring Altian Island. Sergeant Eugene Kostas finds himself in the middle of the CSAT invasion.
Features: Partial voice acting (Intro), Music from ARMA: Resistance and ARMA III.
Known Bugs: N/A
ChangeLog: Currently none
Download link: (15MB) https://www.mediafire.com/?zfgric8gaqbs38d

Sorry, I suck at reviewing so not the ususal quality..

Just noting that you should use the -showScriptErrors startup parameter when launching the game, otherwise you don't see the sripting errors on screen :)
Such as:

--- Quote ---Error in expression <titleCut ["",BLACK FADED",9]>
  Error position: <FADED",9]>
  Error Missing ]

Error in expression <civguer1 setdir getdir "tpciv">
  Error position: <getdir "tpciv">
  Error getdir: Type String, expected Object

Error in expression <grd1 lookat civguer>
  Error position: <civguer>
  Error Undefined variable in expression: civguer
--- End quote ---

As for the mission itself (NOTE this is tested on devbranch, 'regular' set up like 'Veteran' except having multiple saves):
- Briefing shows nothing but some dates, supposed to have some here?
- There's some switchMove scripting error shown which appears to cause the Animation Viewer to start up if you restart the mission (by pressing 'Restart'). Might be some devbranch thingy though. But the scripting error is valid anyway.
- some other scripting errors popping up
- killing singular guards doesn't seem to interest any other CSAT nearby, not the gunfire nor the dead comrade (not much "penalty" if you happen to come by one and a firefight ensues)

+ I don't really have anything to complain about the mission itself, I mean it's solid, I like these sneaky missions. Wasn't that hard, even though tanks can be a pain with their superior vision.
+ Didn't come by any apparent bugs apart from those mentioned scripting errors popping up.

Thanks for the review, even though not as much in debt :D
Regarding the first errors, I don't know why they show up as errors because the code actually serves its purpose and works.
Regarding the Briefing, it's supposed to pop up only after you get a task assigned. I'll look into it though.

The errors about the fades are because they have slight typos, missing " for example.
Undefined variable errors are caused by the variable not existing at all, and such.

Can't give exact examples because currently AFK..

It's kinda shame to see this mission just lay here with only h- making a very short review of it, I worked hard on it and yet :/


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