ropeCreate [fromObject, fromPoint, toObject, toPoint, length]

Operand types

[fromObject, fromPoint, toObject, toPoint, length]: Array

Type of returned value


Creates a PhysX rope.

fromObject: Object - object where rope starts and which fly behavior will be affected
fromPoint: Array or String - specifies where on the object the rope should start, either a string (name of memory point) or an array of three numbers (vector in model coordinates).
toObject: Object - - object which is automatically attached to other side of rope (can be objNull, rope will stay with free end)
toPoint: Array or String - specifies where on the object the rope should finish, either a string (name of memory point) or an array of three numbers (vector in model coordinates)
length (Optional): Number - rope length in meters

Used In



_slingRope = ropeCreate [helo1, [0,0,-2], veh2, [0,0,0], 10];